Eifert presented Director's Appreciation Award
It was an honor to present Randy Eifert Optisure Risk Partners the Director’s Appreciation Award at the 2019 Annual Meeting. Belknap EDC Chair, Chris Kelly, RE/MAX Bayside expressed...
"Randy has been a leader for Belknap EDC and he also has served as an Executive Committee member, Board Vice Chair, and Chair, and is a key leader in the effort to bring the Colonial Theater back to life. He is a committed leader to Belknap EDC and the Greater Lakes Region. His support has helped Belknap EDC’s mission and we wish him all the best in the future."
The award is presented to a most deserving individual, who has gone above and beyond to assist Belknap EDC in achieving its mission to promote economic growth in the region.

Belknap EDC Chair, Chris Kelly, ReMax Bayside Realty (left) and Justin Slattery, Belknap EDC Executive Director (right) present Randy Eifert, Optisure Risk Partners (center) with the Director’s Appreciation Award. The award is presented to a most deserving individual, who has gone above and beyond to assist Belknap EDC in achieving its mission to promote economic growth in the region.